DOR Report

The DOR Report is a list of every DOR for the current active probationer, with hyperlinks to allow you to view each DOR.

The DOR report is the most commonly used report in COPFTO.


If the number is Green, the DOR is complete,  if blue, it is still in progress.

The report includes the following columns:

    • Number
    • Day
    • Week
    • Step
    • Shift
    • FTO
    • NRT's (# of not responding to training's)
    • NED (Non-Evaluation Day) (Hidden by default)
    • SD (Snow Day) (Hidden by default)
    • ET (Extension of Training) (Hidden by default)
    • Date
    • Export (If Allowed)
    • Reactivate (Supervisor or Administrator) (See Reactivate a DOR)

Hidden Columns

Several columns are hidden by default but can be shown or hidden by clicking on the Visibility Button at the top of the list and selecting which columns you want to view.


Special features of the DOR Report

    • Sort by specific column, or by using the shift key, sort by multiple columns.
    • Click on a DOR number to view the DOR.
    • Report numbers are blue if Active and green if Completed.
    • You may export the list by using the print / excel / pdf buttons at the top of the list.
    • Use the visibility button to show / hide columns.
    • Supervisors and Administrators can Reactivate DORS from this report.

View DOR Approvals

You can use the DOR report to view the Employee Approval section of the DOR.

    • Click on a DOR and scroll to the bottom of the DOR to see the approvals section:


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