Reactivate a DOR - FTO

An FTO can Reactivate a DOR as long as it has NOT been approved by a Supervisor.

FTO's can reactivate a DOR until a Supervisor Approves the DOR

When the FTO that Completed the DOR views a DOR that has NOT YET been Approved by a Supervisor, they have the ability to Reactivate that DOR by clicking the Reactivate button.


You can access a DOR form the Activity Area of the dashboard or by using the DOR Report.

There are two ways to reactivate a DOR

Option 1: From the Dashboard

    • From the Dashboard, click on an Active DOR.fto-reactivate-dor4.png
    • If the DOR has been COMPLETED, it will appear in the COMPLETED view and you can reactivate it until it has been COMPLETED by a Supervisor or higher.Scroll to the bottom of the DOR and click Reactivate.reactivate-dor-1.png
    • Upon clicking the reactivate button you will receive a dialogue box asking if you are sure you want to reactivate this DOR.fto-reactivate-dor2.png
    • Click "Yes, reactivate it!" to reactivate the DOR.

The DOR has been reactivated.

Option 2: Via the DOR Report

    • From the MAIN NAVIGATION menu click REPORTS ⇒ DOR Report.fto-reactivate-dor3.png
    • Click the DOR number to launch the DOR, then scroll to the bottom.  If the DOR has not been approved by a supervisor, you can click the Reactivate button.reactivate-dor-1.png
    • Upon clicking the reactivate button you will receive a dialogue box asking if you are sure you want to reactivate this DOR.fto-reactivate-dor2.png

The DOR has been reactivated.

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