Step 5 Supervisor Summary
Step 5 Supervisor Summary Reports and Scaffold Check Rides are events that occur during step 5 of the Field Training Program. Step 5 Supervisor Summary Reports are an optional module. Your agency may or may not use Scaffold Check Rides and Step 5 Supervisor Summary Reports.
Why does our agency's Step 5 Supervisor Summary look different?
The COPFTO Step 5 Supervisor Summary is a customizable form. This article is based upon the Coaching Models default weekly summary. Your Step 5 Supervisor Summary may contain different sections of content if your agency has customized your Step 5 Supervisor Summary.
Step 5 Supervisor Performance Summaries are filled out by Supervisors and sent to Probationers for Acknowledgement.
2024 Workflow Enhancements
Until we release our workflow enhancement, expected summer 2024, Step 5 Supervisor Summaries require two approvals/signatures.
- The person filling out the summary (Supervisor or FTO)
- The probationer.
Until we release our workflow enhancement, expected December 2024, if a Step 5 Supervisor Summary is completed by a Supervisor, FTO's do not sign off on, or have any part in workflow on the Step 5 Supervisor.
Historical Paper version of the Step 5 Supervisor Summary Report
Possible Advisory Warning
If the active probationer is not in Step 5, you will receive a warning advising you that that the probationer is not in step 5.
This warning is only advisory and you may still create a Step 5 Supervisor Summary.
Creating a Step V Supervisor Summary Report
FORMS ⇒ Supervisor Summaries
- From the MAIN NAVIGATION click FORMS ⇒ Supervisor Summaries
- The page you are taken to is made up of three sections.
- Active Supervisor Summary Reports - Any currently active summariy reports (not yet completed)
- Completed Supervisor Summary Reports - The last three completed summarie reports
- Begin New Supervisor Summary Report - The form to begin a new Step V Supervisor Summary Report
- To begin a new Step V Supervisor Summary Report, use the Begin New Supervisor Summary Report form on the right side of the page, check the Scaffold Check Rides you wish to include in the report, and click the Begin Supervisor Summary button.
For convenience you can also use the check all box to include all available Check Rides. - Details - The Details Section is a non-editable section containing the major variables for the report.
- Last Scaffold Checkout Ride(s) - This is a list of the completed Scaffold Check Rides that were included in this Step 5 Supervisor Summary Report. You may enter Primary Areas of focus during last Scaffold Checkout Ride(s) month-to-date in the available text field.
- To remove a Scaffold Check Ride from the Summary, use the Red X to delete the Scaffold Check Ride [ X ]. You will be prompted to confirm removal of the Scaffold Check Ride.
- To add a Scaffold Check Ride to this Summary, use the Blue Add button at the top right of the section [ + ADD ]. You will be prompted to select the check ride you wish to add.
- To remove a Scaffold Check Ride from the Summary, use the Red X to delete the Scaffold Check Ride [ X ]. You will be prompted to confirm removal of the Scaffold Check Ride.
- Directed Patrol Activities Overview - This Section is a list of Activities for which you select a Yes / No / N/A radio button for each.
The default questions are-
- Patrol Activity Logs turned in
- Map Overlays Current
- Location Oriented Patrol Hot Spots
- Traffic/Crash Enforcement Areas
- Perpetrator Oriented Patrol Targets
- Target Person Photos
- Current Field Interview Contacts
however your agency may have modified the questions.
You may also enter comments into the available text field.
- Next Scaffold Checkout Ride - If known, select the FTO If known, select the date You may also enter Areas of special focus – clarification for Checkout Ride into the available text field.
- Upcoming Training and/or Qualification(s) - Indicate if there is any Upcoming In-Service Training and/or Qualification(s) scheduled? Using the Yes / No Radio button and then if yes, you may describe it in the available text field.
- Custom Content- If your agency customized the Supervisor Summary you may have several areas of custom content that should be completed as necessary.
- Additional Comments - You may enter any additional comments into the available text field.
- Step 5 Supervisor Summary Report Form Buttons
Save - Saves the Summary, closes it and returns you back to the main Supervisor Summary Page
Update - Updates the Summary and reloads it to continue working on it
Complete - Completes the Summary and sends it to the Probationer for Acknowledgement.
Modifying an existing Step 5 Supervisor Summary
ONLY the supervisor who is assigned the Step 5 Supervisor Summary can modify the associated Scaffold Check Rides and Complete the summary.
You can modify a Step 5 Supervisor Summary as long as it is in an editable mode.
If the Summary has been sent for approval or is complete, it will no longer be in editable mode. The only way to make it editable again is to reactivate the Summary.
Please be aware, while other supervisors can modify the text areas of others Summary's, ONLY the supervisor who is assigned the Step 5 Supervisor Summary can modify the associated Scaffold Check Rides and Complete the Summary.