Reactivate Step 5 Supervisor Summary

There may be instances where a Step 5 Supervisor Summary needs to be modified after it has been approved. For those instances you can Reactivate a Step 5 Supervisor Summary.

Reactivating a Step 5 Supervisor Summary can only be done by someone in the role of Supervisor or higher.


Reactivating a Step 5 Supervisor Summary is done on the Report page.  Go to REPORTS => Supervisor Summary Report.

    • Reactivating a Step 5 Supervisor Summary erases the current approvals from the Step 5 Supervisor Summary placing the Step 5 Supervisor Summary back onto an editable mode so it can be modified as necessary.
    • Once modified, the Step 5 Supervisor Summary must be completed again.

Reactivate a Step 5 Supervisor Summary

If you are a Supervisor or higher in permission, you will see a Reactivate column at the far right of the Step 5 Supervisor Summary Report located at REPORTS => Supervisor Summary Reports.


    • Click the Reactivate button to the right of the specific Step 5 Supervisor Summary
    • Upon clicking the reactivate button you will receive a dialogue box asking if you are sure you want to reactivate this Step 5 Supervisor Summary.
    • Click "Yes, reactivate it!" to reactivate the Step 5 Supervisor Summary.
    • Advise your personnel that they can work on the Step 5 Supervisor Summary.

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