Logging In

Software Location (URL)

COPFTO is cloud based, meaning it is accessible from a web browser from any Internet connected device. An Internet connection is required to use our software.

The URL to access COPFTO is: https://copfto.net  

(Note: all urls use secure https:) Your account username and a temporary password will be provided to you by your system administrator.

Signing In

To sign into the system enter your username and your password. Usernames are NOT case sensitive and cannot be changed but passwords ARE case sensitive and you should change your temporary password immediately when you login to your software for the first time.


Once you sign in, the software will remember you for up to 3 hours after your last activity. Once 3 hrs passes with no activity you will be automatically logged out.

Usernames are NOT case sensitive

Passwords ARE case sensitive

Login Attempts

For security, all attempts to login to the system are recorded with date, time and ip address. 

Forgot Password

If you have forgotten your password, follow the link below to learn how to reset your password.


When you are done using the software we recommend you log out.


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