Reset My Password

If you are locked out, please contact your agency administrator.

If you have forgotten your password, click the forgot password link on the login form.


On the screen that appears, enter your user name and your email address and click Get Password Reset Link.


A code will be emailed to your email address.


Upon receipt of the code, enter it into the Password Reset Code field.


The system will automatically read the code entered and take you to a new screen where you can enter in your new password.  


Upon clicking Update Password, your password is saved and you are taken to the dashboard of COPFTO.

Alternative step from email received

Alternatively, if your email system does NOT strip out reset links, you can click the reset button in the email without needing to enter the code.  (this is NOT likely if you use Microsoft Outlook or similar.)

Forgotten Username

If you have forgotten your username, contact your system administrator for assistance.

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