To begin a new DOR

From the MAIN NAVIGATION navigation menu

    • Click the New DOR button.


    • Fill out the new form (many of the variables will be pre-populated)


      • Enter the Week # (pre-populated)
      • Day # (pre-populated)
      • DOR # (pre-populated)
      • Select a Beat/Zone/Area
      • Select a shift
      • Enter the number of hours worked in this shift (not the start and end time)
      • Date (pre-populated)
      • Click the Create New Daily Observation Report button

Special Check Boxes

If this is a Non Evaluation Day, Snow Day, Extension of Training, or Performance Improvement Plan, check the appropriate box before you click Create New Daily Observation Report.  If you missed this step, you can always go to the complete tab to update the special checkboxes.

Probationers first DOR in software

If this is the very first DOR for this specific probationer, you will have to fill in all the variables (Week, Day, DOR). The software will then automatically increment the Day and DOR number on every subsequent DOR.

Non-Evaluation Day Numbering

See the link below to the related support article.

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