Non-Evaluation Day

Non Evaluation Day Check Box

If this is a Non Evaluation Day, check the Non Evaluation Day box before you click Create New Daily Observation Report.  If you missed this step, you can always go to the complete tab to update the special checkboxes.


Non-Evaluation Day Numbering

If your agency maintains identical DOR & DAY numbering, you do not need to do anything further.

If your agency does not maintain identical DOR & DAY numbering, and this is a Non Evaluation Day, place a ZERO (0) in the DAY numbering box.  When you create the next days DOR, the software will look back for the last number prior to the ZERO and automatically increment it to the next appropriate number. 

  • Example: It is 2/16/23, the first day of step 2 which is generally a Non-Evaluation day. You click the new DOR button.  The new DOR number is 15 and the DAY number is 15.  


    In the DAY number, you change the 15 to a ZERO (0) and you check the Non-Evaluation day box.

  • two.png

    When you create the next days DOR, 2/17/23, the software will look back for the last DAY number prior to the ZERO and automatically increment it to the next appropriate number.  in the image below you see the new DOR is now DOR 16 DAY 15.

  • three.png

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