Tactical Response Role Plays (Pre-Determined)

Note: The use of Pre Determined Role Plays is optional

Role Plays are generally made up on the fly... Based upon the current climate.  Not every agency uses predetermined Tactical Response Role Plays

To access your Agency's predetermined Tactical Response Role Plays, from the forms menu go to FORMS ⇒ Tactical Response / Role Plays.


You will be taken to your list of predetermined Role Plays


The list includes the following columns:

    • Title
    • Export (If you have proper permission)

Click on one of the titles to view the Role Play content.


You have two options:

  • Click Add This Role Play to the Role Play Log - Takes you to the Role Play Log and automatically fills in the Title of the Role Play.
  • Click Back to the Role Plays - Brings you back to the previous page with your list of Role Plays

For more information on Tactical Response Role Plays, please see or article on how to use the Tactical Response Role Play Log (link at bottom).

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