Tactical Response Role Play Log
Historical Paper Form
Tactical Response Role Plays ( TR / RP ) are COPFTO's electronic TR / RP role play log. The electronic log works just like the historical paper role play log but adds a couple extra features
- The ability to document multiple executions of a Tactical Response / Role Play.
- The ability to have pre-formatted or pre-selected Role Play content.
Tactical Response / Role Play Permissions
- Probationer - View
- FTO - View, Execute, Complete, Add/Update
The Tactical Response / Role Play Log
To create a Tactical Response / Role Play Logs entry, from the navigation menu click FORMS ⇒ Tactical Response / Role Play Log.
When you first begin working on role plays your roll play log will be empty. In the screenshot shown below the FTO and probationer have already entered nine tactical response role plays.
From left to right on the table you will see:
- TR / RP Number
- The DOR the TR / RP was Executed / Completed
- The Step the TR / RP was Executed / Completed
- The TR / RP Title
- # of Executions of the TR / RP
- A orange check mark indicates an Execution (but not yet Certified Complete)
- A green check mark indicates the TR / RP has been Certified/Completed)
- Date the TR / RP was Completed
- The FTO who Completed the TR / RP
Creating A Tactical Response / Role Play Log Entry
If you are an FTO or higher, at the bottom of the Role Play Log you will see the New Tactical Response Role Play Form.
FTO or Higher to Execute or Complete
Anyone in the Role of FTO or higher can Execute or Complete a Tactical Response Role Play
- Enter a title for this Tactical Response Role Play. For convenience the form will be pre-populated with the current DOR and Step numbers; these can be modified if necessary.
- Select Executed or Completed. By default the radio button selector is set to Executed.
- To document an Execution: Leave the radio button set to Execution and click the Execute Tactical Response Role Play button.
Executed: means you have executed the TR / RP with your probationer but you are not ready to certify your probationer as having Certified/Completed the TR / RP. You will come back again in the future to document another Execution or Completion.
- To document Certification / Completion: Change the radio button to Completed and click the Execute Tactical Response Role Play button.
Completed: means you feel the probationer has sufficiently executed the task to Certify the TR / RP as Completed.
- To document an Execution: Leave the radio button set to Execution and click the Execute Tactical Response Role Play button.
- Click the Execute Tactical Response Role Play button
TR / TP Type Ahead Title
If your agency has pre-determined TR / TR's, as you begin typing a title, you will be shown a list of your agency's matching pre-determined TR / RP's.
TR / TP Hidden Content
If your agency has pre-determined TR / TR's, you can view them using the hidden content button which is located at the upper right corner of the New Tactical Response Role Play Section.
Clicking this button opens a hidden section containing your agencies suggested TR / RP's. An example is shown below.
Add Additional Executions and/or Update A Completed TR / RP
If you need to add another TR / RP Execution or Completion
- Click the NUMBER button for the specific TR/RP you want to Add to or Update.
If the TR / RP has been completed, when you view it as an FTO or higher you will see a warning. The warning is advisory, explaining that you may document another execution of this TR / RP, however the previous Completion will be changed to an Execution and your new addition will be whatever option you choose Executed or Completed. - The title will be filled in for you (and NOT editable) For convenience the form will be pre-populated with the current DOR and Step numbers; these can be modified if necessary.
- Select Executed or Completed. By default the radio button selector is set to Executed.
- To document an Additional Execution: Leave the radio button set to Execution and click the Execute Tactical Response Role Play button.
- To document Certification / Completion: Change the radio button to Completed and click the Execute Tactical Response Role Play button.
- Click the Execute Tactical Response Role Play button
- Click the NUMBER button for the specific TR/RP you want to Add to or Update.
TR / RP Additional
Do not forget, Sokolove states that all TR / RP's should be documented on the DOR as if it were an actual event.
COPFTO does NOT automatically document a TR / RP on the Performance Tab of the DOR.
In addition to using this electronic role play log, you as the FTO must document execution of the TR/RP on the performance tab of the DOR.