

The Docs tab allows an agency to manage the default [boilerplate] definitions and documents listed under the DOCS tab.


We pre-loaded all of Coaching Model boilerplate DOCs for you when your agency was setup, so most agencies will not have to modify the DOCs unless you wish to add a custom DOC for your agency.

Historically Accurate Data:

Before you modify your DOCs, you need to know if your agency maintains historically accurate copies of DOCs within copfto. The answer generally depends on whether you have exported your probationers data.

If you have exported every probationers data at the end of their program, then you are good to manage DOCs without needing to save historically accurate copies within copfto.

If your agency has not exported probationers data, and/or you maintain historical copies of all DOCs within copfto, then before you modify a DOC, the existing DOC should be inactivated and a new one created in its place. This assures that when you export your probationers FTO program at the end of the field training program, you export the actual DOCs that were used by that specific probationer and not a modified DOC from a later date.


The variables on the DOCs Add/Edit forms include:

  • Sort - The sort order (in the DOCS menu) for this document.
  • DOC Title - The title of the DOC.
  • DOC Content - The main content of your DOC.
  • Active - Is this DOC visible.

Add a Doc

To add a new DOC, use the form at the bottom.


Edit a Doc

To edit an existing DOC, click the Name of the DOC. The contents of the DOC will then load into the form.


Export a Doc

To export an existing DOC, click the blue export icon at the far right of the docs row.


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