Standard Evaluation Guidelines

YOUR NAME => AGENCY SETTINGS => GROUPS => MANAGE [group name] => Standard Evaluation Guidelines

The Standard Evaluation Guidelines (SEG's) tab allows an agency to modify the agency's Standard Evaluation Guideline wording.


We pre-loaded the Coaching Model's boilerplate Standard Evaluation Guidelines for you when your agency was setup, so most agencies will not have to modify the Standard Evaluation Guidelines.


Standard Evaluation Guideline wording CANNOT be modified for a Group while there are ANY open DOR's in the system.

Standard Evaluation Guidelines should normally not be Modified, instead if a change is needed, that SEG should be inactivated and a new SEG should be created in its place. This assures that when you export your probationers FTO program at the end of the field training program, you export the actual Standard Evaluation Guidelines that were used by that specific probationer and not a modified SEG from a later date.


The Add/Modify Standard Evaluation Guideline form is made up of several parts.

    • Number - This is the main number, generally 1 thru 10.


    • Standard Evaluation Guideline Full Length Title - Full length title.


    • Standard Evaluation Guideline Shortened Title - Shown on DOR & Weekly Summary.


    • Definition - Shown on SEG description & when you mouse hover over the SEG title on a DOR.


    • Exceeds Standards (Consistently Meets Standards: Yes) - Content for this section goes here


    • Meets Standards: Yes - Content for this section goes here


    • Meets Standards: No - Content for this section goes here


    • Active - Is this SEG active and shown to users.


    • Add/Update Button - Click to add or update an SEG.


Here is the complete SEG form


Add Standard Evaluation Guideline

To add a new Standard Evaluation Guidelines, use the form at the bottom.


Edit Standard Evaluation Guideline

To edit an existing Standard Evaluation Guidelines, click the Name of the Standard Evaluation Guidelines. The contents of the Standard Evaluation Guideline will then load into the form.


Export Standard Evaluation Guideline

To export a copy of this Standard Evaluation Guideline, click the blue export button at the far right of the Standard Evaluation Guidelines row.


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