Delete a DOR

YOUR NAME => AGENCY SETTINGS => GROUPS => MANAGE [group name] => Delete DORs

The Delete DOR page is located under the new GROUPS setting.

    • Click Your Name
    • Click Agency Settings
    • Click Groups
    • Select the group you wish to work with
    • Click the Delete DOR tab, then follow the instructions below.

A Deleted a DOR cannot be recovered.

You may NOT delete a DOR that has anything associated to it including Training Tasks, Role Plays, Summaries, Files, DTP's, or Narrative Entries.

Only DOR's which can be deleted will appear in the Delete DOR list shown below.


Delete a DOR

    1. Click on the DELETE button to the right of the DOR you wish to delete.


    2. You will get a popup notice as shown below Confirm you want to Delete the DOR by clicking Yes, Delete it!, or optionally click Cancel.


Remember, a Deleted a DOR cannot be recovered

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