Setting Up New Probationer


How to add a new probationer and initiating them into step 1 so the new probationer is ready to use the software.

There are two parts to setting up a new probationer

  • Adding the new probationer
  • Advancing the Probationer into Step 1

User Name Requirements

  • Can only be updated by an Admin
  • Are NOT Case Sensitive
  • Are generally your email address
  • Can include characters, numbers and spaces
  • Must be between 8 and 40 characters

Password Requirements

  • Passwords ARE Case Sensitive
  • Passwords must contian at least one number, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one special character !@#$%^&*()-_=+{};:,<.>§~
  • Must be between 8 and 40 characters
  • Must be changed every 180 days
  • May not be same as your username
  • May not be a common dictionary term

A Caution about Password Managers

If you have a password manager on your computer, such as Last Pass, fields on this page, especially the email, first, and last name fields, can easily be overwritten with saved variables from your password manager. We strongly recommend you copy and add the users page url to your password managers Never URL settings page so that it does not automatically fill in variables on the copfto users page.

On the Users tab you see a list of your agency's current users.


Below the list of users is the Add User Form where you add your new probationer.


The fields on the user form include:

  • Username - generally the probationers email address - Required
    • If you are not using email addresses, please make sure you have discussed your anticipated username convention with 911 Tech prior to implementing.
  • Password - See password requirements - Required

    Last Name - Probationers last name - Required

    First Name - Probationers first name - Required

    Badge - Probationers badge number - Required

    Rank - Probationers rank (generally officer)

    Phone - Probationers phone number (if applicable)

    Email - Probationers email address - Required

    Groups - Select the group this probationer belongs to (generally patrol)

    Theme - Select a theme (default is day theme)

    Access Level/Role - Select the access level (generally probationer)

    Gender - Select probationers gender (optional)

    Race - Select probationers race (optional)

    Ethnicity - Select probationers ethnicity (optional)

Here is a screenshot of the add user form


Add Probationer

  • Fill out the form

  • Select the Active radio button

  • Click the Add User button and your new probationer will be added to the software.

  • Optionally, click the Welcome button

    The Welcome button currently only sends out a welcome email with the new probationers username and software access URL.

Your Probationer has been added, but there is still more to do…

Your new probationer can access the software to look around and review things like the DOCS, however they:

  • Are not ready to be used in a DOR.Have not been sent their login/user information.

Because many probationers are setup in the software prior to starting the FTO program, COPFTO does NOT automatically send a welcome email when a user is added.

As an Administrator, YOU will need to notify your new probationer of the software url (, their username, and their password.

Advance Probationer into Step 1

Supervisors and FTO's will be unable to select the probationer for a new DOR until you have advanced the probationer into Step 1 of the field training process.

To initiate Step 1:

  • From the MAIN NAVIGATION, Click Forms ⇒ Field Training Steps

  • Click the Begin Field Training button

  • On the form that appears you need to: Check the box to affirm your signature

  • Click the Begin Field Training Program button

You have successfully added and activated a new probationer in COPFTO!

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