Step 5 Patrol Activity Log (PAL)

For those agencies who will be using the electronic Step 5 PAL, this article explains how it works.

If you are a Probationer: You must be in Step 5 to use the Step 5 PAL

If you are a Supervisor: Your active Probationer must be in Step 5 to see the Step 5 PAL's and Reports.


When a probationer is in Step 5 (If your agency uses the Step 5 PAL) they will see the navigational link NEW PAL.


In the screenshot above we see the NEW PAL navigation link as well as an existing PAL (PAL # 3) in the Activity Area.

Active PAL's will be available in the Activity area, just like your DOR's.

Begin a Step 5 PAL

    • From the navigational menu, click NEW PAL.


    • You will be taken to the New Step 5 PAL screen, as shown below. The PAL number is automatically incremented for you.

      NOTE: (If this is the very first time you are creating a PAL you will have to enter the PAL number 1).


    • Select your Beat/Zone/Area.


    • Select your Shift. 


    • The hours will be preset for you but can be edited if necessary.


    • The date will be preset for you but can also be edited if necessary.


    • Click Create New Step 5 Patrol Activity Log


    • The screen will refresh, and you will be taken to your new Step 5 Patrol Activity Log.


Using the new PAL

The PAL will be empty until you add your first entry.

The PAL has two tab's; PAL and Complete.  


    • You create log entries on the PAL tab.


    • You modify the main PAL variables and Complete the PAL on the Complete tab.


Add a PAL entry

To add a PAL Entry to the log, from the PAL Tab:

    • Enter the Start Time (time in)


    • Enter then End Time (time out)


    • Select a Nature (if your agency does not use this feature there will be nothing in the select list)


    • Enter your narrative Click ADD ENTRY

    • The screen will refresh, and you will see your log entry added just like the screenshot below.


Each new entry will be added to the log in sequential order just as if you were writing it on paper.

Editing a PAL Entry

To edit an existing PAL log entry:

    • Click the edit icon at the upper right of the log entry.


    • The screen will refresh, and your log entry will be loaded in the narrative field for you to modify.


    • Modify your entry as necessary and click the UPDATE ENTRY button.


Deleting a PAL Entry

To delete an existing PAL log entry:

    • Click the delete icon at the upper right of the log entry.


    • You will receive a popup alert asking you to confirm your request to delete.

    • Click OK, and the entry will be deleted.

Modifying a PAL Variable

To modify one of the 5 main variables of the PAL; Zone/Area/Beat, Shift, Number, Hours or Date

    • Click on the COMPLETE tab of the
    • Modify the variables as necessary and click the UPDATE PAL VARIABLES

Completing a Step 5 PAL

To complete a Step 5 PAL

    • Click on the COMPLETE tab.


    • Click the COMPLETE PAL button.


Once a probationer clicks the COMPLETE PAL button, the Step 5 PAL is considered complete.

    • There is NO workflow on step 5 Patrol Activity Logs.
    • A PAL can be reactivated by a supervisor or higher using the Reactivate link on the Step 5 PAL Report.
    • Both Active and Completed PAL's can be viewed at any time by a Supervisor or higher by viewing the Step 5 PAL Report.
    • If your agency uses the Nature feature, you can view that report.

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