Activity Log Nature Report

The Activity Log Nature Report is a great way to see what your Probationer has been exposed to and what calls you may need to jump on to gain them exposure.

Quality of report data

The data in this report is only as good as what has been entered by the probationer. Natures must have been chosen by the probationer in the Activity Log entry to appear in this report.

The Activity Log Nature Report provides you with a list of:

    • Your Agency's Natures.
    • The number of times the Probationer has been exposed to each Nature.
    • A link to the actual DOR to view the activity if necessary.


Additional features of this report

    • Sort by a specific column, or by using the shift key, sort by multiple columns.
    • export the list by using the print / excel / pdf buttons at the top of the list.
    • Show / Hide columns using the visibility button.

Filtering Data

You can filter the data in this report using the filter fields at the top of the report. A common use for filtering is limiting the report to data covering a specific range of DOR's which is then used by supervisors in their weekly summary.


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