Agency & Probationer Files

Agency Files

Agency Files is where your Agency can store files for use by all FTO’s consistently across all your probationers in your field training program. A typical example is having overhead maps of every major intersection and high value locations such as banks and schools, or PDF’s of a specific procedure or policy. This files area is different from the Files Tab of the DOR where you attach files to a specific DOR.

If you want to store a file privately for a specific probationer, see the Probationer Files Section.


Probationer Files

Probationer Files is where you can store files and documents related to a specific probationer. An example includes a to-from memo, or an award received during field training, that you want to keep and track with the probationers field training program.

Probationer files are included in the export at the end of the program.


File Permissions

The minimum permission level required to both upload and manage files are set by your agency Administrator on the Agency Settings page.

File List

The list includes the type of file, name of the file, file extension, uploaded by, date & time and an action column.

    • The action column allows you to rename or delete the file.
    • Only persons with the proper permissions can rename or delete a file.
    • The action column allows you to rename or delete the file. 


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