Narrative Training Entries

Training Entries

The Training side of the Narrative allows the FTO to document training and associate a single Performance Assessment Category (SEG) and one or more training codes to a written training entry. You can also associate a training entry to a specific performance entry.

Lack of concise description and bundling of training entries.

The Coaching Model prohibits bundling of training entries. In the image below we see an example of a common error made by by FTO's where they associate training time with multiple SEG's. (bundling of training entries). The training entries are also missing concise narrative descriptions of the training provided. This is IMPROPER and NOT allowed.

The Training entry below is properly executed training entry. It includes a concise description and is associated with a single SEG.


Add A Training Entry

To add a new Training Entry you have two options.

You can add a NEW Orphaned entry or you can add a training entry to a SPECIFIC performance entry.

  • To add a NEW orphaned training entry, click the Add New Orphan Training Entry button.

  • To add a training entry to a SPECIFIC training entry, click the small Add Training Entry button.


  • The new entry form launches where you enter your training narrative.

  • Select a single Performance Assessment Category (SEG) from the drop down list.

  • Select one or more training codes for this training entry. (Multiple codes are allowed) 

  • Use the text editor to make your written training entry.

  • If a corrective action was necessary, click the CAN box.

    Make sure you ONLY add a CAN on one side; training or performance. Do NOT double hit the probationer by selecting CAN on both sides of the Narrative

  • Enter the total training time in minutes.

    TTT must be a number (in minutes) between 0 and 999.

  • When finished click the Add Entry Button.

Completed Entry

The completed training entry is added on the right side of the narrative.


  • If this is an entry tied to a performance entry, it will be shown to the right of the performance entry.
  • If this is a new orphaned entry it is added to the bottom of the list of training entries.
  • Remember this is a running log, so new entries are added to the bottom of the list.
  • If necessary the performance or training entry can be edited by clicking the Edit link.

Adding additional Training Entries

To add additional Training Entry you have two options.

You can add a DUPLICATE entry or you can add a NEW entry.

  • To add a DUPLICATE training entry, click the orange Duplicate Training Entry button.

  • The Duplicate Training Entry Button is a quick way to duplicate the last displayed training entry which you can then edit as necessary.

  • To add a NEW training entry, click the blue Add Training Entry button.

  • The Add New Entry button gives you a blank "clean" entry form to work with.


Follow the same steps as outlined in the Add A Training Entry above.

Edit A Training Entry

A training entry can be edited by an FTO or a Probationer.

To edit a performance entry:

  • Click the EDIT button.

  • If you wish to exit the editor without saving your changes, click the small X at the top right of the entry.

  • When finished editing the user clicks the Update Entry button to save the entry.

Delete A Training Entry

A training entry can only be deleted by the person that created the entry.

To delete a training entry:

  • Click the DELETE button.

  • A dialogue box will popup asking you to confirm the delete.

  • To confirm the delete click Yes, delete it!

Training Hidden Content

Click the blue info button to reveal your agencies instructions on how the FTO or Probationer modifies training entries to acknowledge their performance.


TTT added to DOR tab

Total Training Time from all training entries is automatically calculated and displayed on the DOR tab.


Further regarding HAT's and CAN's

  • HAT's (Handled as Trained) can only be added on the Performance side of the Narrative.
  • CAN's (Corrective Action Necessary) can be added on the performance or training side of the narrative.
  • Please make sure you ONLY add it on one side, do NOT hit the probationer with the same number category CAN on both sides of the Narrative.
  • Who and Where you add the CAN is generally dependent on agency preference.
  • If your agencies FTO's notate CAN's, its easier to select it on the Training side.
  • If Your agency has probationers select which categories are CAN, its easier to manage that from the Performance side of the Narrative.

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