Narrative Performance Entries

Performance Entries

The Performance side of Narrative Tab is a running log of performance activity designed to Document Time + clear, complete, concise narrative of observed performance (including verbal/non-verbal behaviors).


Brackets and Parentheses replaced by Highlighting

Historically Probationers: Placed ( ) at start and end of narrative portion which Exceeds Standards, and Placed [ ] at start and end of narrative portion which Meets Standards: No and places an X in the Corrective Action Necessary column to highlight area(s) requiring additional training.

Instead of brackets and parentheses, Probationers will editing the entry and highlight the appropriate parts of the entry they would have otherwise marked up.

Exceeds Standards will be highlighted Green, Meets Standards: No will be highlighted Yellow

Add A Performance Entry

To add a new Performance Entry you have two options.

  • Adding a NEW performance entry.
  • Adding a performance entry to an EXISTING training entry.

To add a NEW performance entry:

  • Click the Add New Performance Entry Button at the top of the page.

  • The new entry form launches where you enter your performance narrative.

  • If you wish this entry to be editable by others, assure the EDIT button is highlighted.

  • If you want to document this entry as Handled as Trained (HAT) click the HAT button.

    If you select HAT or CAN when you first create a performance entry it will place a HAT or CAN on EVERY category you have selected for this specific performance entry.

    If you did not want HAT or CAN on every category, you will need to edit the entry to update which categories are HAT or CAN.

  • Click Add Performance Entry to create the entry.

To add a performance entry to an EXISTING training entry:

  • Click the Add Performance Entry button located to the left of the Training Entry.

  • The new entry form launches where you enter your performance narrative.

  • If you wish this entry to be editable by others, assure the EDIT button is highlighted.

  • Click Add Performance Entry to create the entry.

After the Performance entry is created, staying true to the the Coaching Model, the FTO and probationer huddle up and go over the game film.  They discuss the probationers performance, determine the Standard Evaluation Guidelines(SEG's) and any Corrective Action Necessary (CAN).  The Probationer then takes ownership of the entry by editing the entry, updating it as necessary.

Edit A Performance Entry

If your agency's permission settings allow, performance entries can be edited by an FTO or a Probationer.

To edit a performance entry:

  • Click the EDIT button.

  • The edit window opens allowing editing of the entry.

  • There are 2 multi select fields on the edit entry form. 

    The top multi select field is used to select the SEG's to be associated with this entry.

  • Click on the field to select one or more SEG's for this entry.

  • The bottom multi-select is used to select which SEG's are corrective Action Necessary (CAN) or Handled As Trained (HAT).  

    In this example we will be adding CANS to this entry. On the paper form, the Probationer places an X in the Corrective Action Necessary column to highlight area(s) requiring additional training.  In the electronic version we select the SEG's using the multi-select.

    Click the CAN button to launch the multi select.

  • Click on the multi-select field to select the appropriate SEG's to mark as CAN.

  • Select the SEGS' and then click out somewhere outside of the the multi-select field to continue.

  • Next the probationer will take ownership of the issues. 

    On the paper version of the DOR, the Probationer places [ ] at start and end of narrative portion which Meets Standards: No.  In the electronic version we will yellow highlight the text.

    In the text editor, use the yellow highlight tool to select the areas which Meets Standards: No.

  • If you wish to exit the editor without saving your changes, click the small X at the top right of the entry.

  • When finished editing the user clicks the Update Entry button to save the entry.

  • The screen refreshes and we see our newly updated performance entry.

If you want to tag a category as HAT or CAN you must make sure the lower category you are selecting is also present in the upper category select box.

BOTH must be selected - If not the software will disregard your HAT/CAN selection.

Delete A Performance Entry

A performance entry can only be deleted by the person that created the entry.

To delete a performance entry:

  • Click the DELETE button.

  • A dialogue box will popup asking you to confirm the delete.

  • To confirm the delete click Yes, delete it!

Performance Hidden Content

Click the blue info button to reveal your agencies instructions on how the FTO or Probationer modifies performance entries to acknowledge their performance.


Corrective Action Necessary Reminder

When a corrective action was necessary, don't forget to click the CAN box and select your SEG's.


If you select CAN when you first create a performance entry it will place a CAN on EVERY category you have selected for this specific performance entry.

If you did not want CAN on every category, you will need to edit the entry to update which categories are CAN.

Further regarding HAT's and CAN's

  • HAT's (Handled as Trained) can only be added on the Performance side of the Narrative.
  • CAN's (Corrective Action Necessary) can be added on the performance or training side of the narrative.
  • Please make sure you ONLY add it on one side, do NOT hit the probationer with the same number category CAN on both sides of the Narrative.
  • Who and Where you add the CAN is generally dependent on agency preference.
  • If your agencies FTO's notate CAN's, its easier to select it on the Training side.
  • If Your agency has probationers select which categories are CAN, its easier to manage that from the Performance side of the Narrative.

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