Complete Tab

The Complete tab of the DOR can be used by the FTO to update the main variables, such as date and hours, and to initiate the workflow process.

A DOR remains in an editable mode until the FTO clicks the Complete button

Updating DOR Variables or Completing a DOR

There are two buttons on the bottom of the debrief tab, Update DOR Variables and Complete DOR, but they are only visible to the FTO who created the DOR.


The Complete button is ONLY visible to FTO or SUPERVISOR assigned to the DOR

The probationer does not have access to the Update Variables or Complete DOR buttons

Changing DOR Main Variables

On occasion, you may need to update one of the major DOR variables, such as the number of hours in the shift.  If this need arises, navigate to the Complete tab of the DOR.  Make your changes and click the Update Variables button at the lower left of the screen.


Completing a DOR (Initiating Workflow)

When the FTO wants to finalize the DOR and initiate workflow, the FTO clicks the Complete button.


The FTO's action of clicking the Complete DOR button locks the DOR from further edit and attaches the FTO's electronic signature as well as a date/time stamp to the DOR.

The DOR is then sent to the Probationer for their approval.

Changing A DOR's FTO

If the need arises to change the FTO attached to the DOR, a Supervisor or above can change ownership of the DOR on the Complete tab. Use the link below to view that support article.

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