Daily Training Plan (DTP) Tab

The Daily Training Plan (DTP) tab allows the FTO and probationer to collaborate and build the next DTP.

Your agency's policy will determine if a DTP can be created and edited by the FTO, or BOTH the FTO and the Probationer.

Adding A Daily Training Plan

To add a Daily Training Plan

  • The FTO (or probationer) should click on the Tomorrow button.

  • Next use the text editor to create the next Daily Training Plan.

  • When ready the FTO (or probationer) should click the Save Next DTP button to commit the DTP.

Edit The Daily Training Plan

If an edit is necessary, the FTO (or probationer) can edit the DTP

  • Click the EDIT button.

  • Make your edit and click Update Entry

Existing Daily Training Plan

In the screen shot below we see the Daily Training Plan has been added and displays on the DTP tab.


If you want to see the audit trail for the entry

  • Click the audit button

  • A modal opens up with the audit trail

DTP on Dashboard

Once the DTP has been created, it will display on the dashboard in the Daily Training Plan section.



If a DTP is not added to a DOR, COPFTO will automatically display the text "No training plan for today".

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