The DOR Tab

The DOR tab contains the 10 (unless your agency uses more or less) Performance Assessment Categories, also called Standard Evaluation Guidelines (SEG's), used to document the probationer's performance.


Modifying the DOR tab can only be done by an FTO or higher.

Probationers cannot modify the DOR tab.

Why does our DOR look different?

The COPFTO DOR is customizable at the group level.  This article is based upon the Coaching Models default assessment categories. If your agency or group has modified your assessment categories, the wording may be different and you may have more or less categories.

Selecting A Performance Assessment Category

Unless your agency (or group) has modified the definitions, you Assessment options include:

  • CMS (Consistently Meets Standards/Exceeds Standards)
  • MS (Meets Standards)
  • DNMS (Does Not Meet Standards)

To select an Assessment:

  • The FTO clicks an assessment for the specific Category

  • The assessments are typical web based radio buttons and you can only select one of the three choices.  When you click an assessments, the software instantly saves that assessments (without the need to click a button or a screen refresh)

  • If necessary the FTO checks the NRT (Not Responding to Training) checkbox.

  • If you need to remove an assessments, simply click on the grey x for that assessments.

Assessment Category Definitions

If you wish to read the definition for the assessment category, hover your mouse over the info button at the end of the assessment name.


Total Training Time

Total Training Time is AUTOMATICALLY calculated from the training entries and displayed for you.


It is no longer necessary for the probationer to total up the total training time at the end of the shift and enter it on the DOR.

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