Off Duty Restrictions

FORMS ⇒ Off Duty Restrictions

Initiating and terminating Off Duty Restrictions

If your Agency's Probationers are subject to off-duty restrictions during the probationary period, the off duty restriction form can document the probationers acknowledgment and acceptance of the restrictions.

When the time comes to lift those restrictions, you can come back to the form and electronically document the date, time, and person lifting the off-duty restrictions.

Off Duty Restriction wording can be customized to your agency.

Off Duty Restrictions are optional

Your agency may or may not use Off Duty Restrictions.

Off Duty Restrictions

The off-duty restriction form is accessible from the forms menu FORMS ⇒ Off Duty Restrictions


Probationer Acknowledgement

The first step of the process is for the probationer to read the agency's restrictions and then click their name at the bottom of the form to electronically sign and document the date, time, and acceptance of the restrictions.


Once acknowledged, the probationers acknowledgement button is replaced with the probationers name, date and time the restrictions were acknowledged.


Supervisor Acknowledgement

Once the probationer acknowledges the restrictions, a supervisor or administrator should also electronically sign the restrictions.

Supervisors with this specific probationer set as active will notice a message appear in their message box requesting acknowledgment of this form.

Any supervisor or administrator can click the Supervisor button to document the date, time, and acknowledgement of the restrictions.


Once acknowledged, the supervisor button will be replaced with the name, date and time of the supervisor acknowledgment.


Removing the Restrictions

Any supervisor or administrator can terminate the restrictions.

Users in the role of supervisor or administrator will see the Remove Restriction form at the lower right of the restriction page.

To remove the restrictions, the appropriate user (the person the agency wants to be associated with removal of the restrictions) should click the Supervisor button to document the date, time and name of the person removing the restrictions.


Once clicked, the supervisor button will be replaced with the name, date and time of the supervisor acknowledgment.


Restrictions Removed

The image below is an example of off duty restrictions that have been issued and removed.


The left side is the probationers acknowledgement when the restrictions were initiated and the right side shows the date, time and the name of the supervisor who removed the restrictions.

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