Report Evaluation Cover Sheets

The Historical Paper Form



In order to be able to create a Report Evaluation Cover Sheet you must have a current open and active DOR.

Report Evaluation Cover Sheets are saved as .pdf files on the FILES tab of your current DOR.

The Electronic Report Evaluation Cover Sheet

To create a Report Evaluation Cover Sheet, click on Forms ⇒ Report Evaluation Cover Sheet


You will be taken to the electronic Report Evaluation Cover Sheet shown below.


Complete the fields on the form and click the Create button.

You will then be taken to the FILES tab of your DOR and you will see the entry for the new Report Evaluation Cover Sheet as shown below.


Attaching A Cover Sheet to Non-Current DOR

By default, when you create a Report Evaluation Cover Sheet, it attaches to your current working DOR (which is pre selected in the DOR - Day - Week select box). You can, however, select a different DOR as long as the DOR you want to attach to has not been Completed.


To attach the Cover Sheet to a different DOR, using the DOR - Day - Week select box, select a different active DOR And then after assuring the other fields are filled in, click the Create button.

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