My Account

This article shows you how to manage your user account.  If you forgot your password please see this help desk article on resetting your password.  If you are locked out, please contact your agency administrator.

Managing your account

YOUR NAME ⇒ My Account.


The My Account page has four tabs, 

    • My Information
    • Change Password
    • My Notifications
    • My Files

My Information

You can view and modify your account details.


Default Narrative Edit Preference:  Controls whether the edit button below each performance narrative entry is editable (on) or not editable (off) by default.

Default Theme: Controls what theme (day or night) COPTO defaults to after you login.

After I approve something, take me to the All Messages page: Controls where you are redirected after you approve something.

User Names

    • Can only be updated by an Admin
    • ARE NOT Case Sensitive
    • Are generally your email address
    • Can include characters, numbers and spaces
    • Must be between 4 and 40 characters


The following are the system defaults for passwords. Your agency may have modified these setting:

    • Passwords ARE Case Sensitive
    • Passwords must be between 5 and 32 characters in length
    • All Passwords Must Have:
      • At least one number
      • At least one lowercase letter
      • At least one uppercase letter
      • At least one special character !@#$%^&*()\-_=+{};:,<.>§~


To update your password, click the Change Password tab.

    • Assure your new password meets your agency requirements
    • Enter a new password
    • Confirm the password
    • Click the UPDATE PASSWORD button.

My Notifications

Coming Soon - This section is currently under development, once active it will allow you to select the types of emails you wish to receive from COPFTO

My Files

The My Files tab allows you to upload and store files and documents which are available to YOU only. The My Files are is perfect for storing documents you may want to refer back to when you are released from field training.

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