Unlocking An Account

If an account becomes locked, it can only be unlocked by an agency administrator.

Note: this process only Unlocks a Users Account.

If you need to reset a users password, please see our user manual article on Resetting a Users Password.


A user account can become locked after a specific number of failed logins, as determined by each agency.

Your end user will see a screen similar to the screenshot below advising the their User is locked and to contact an administrator.


To reset their account, login to COPFTO, click your name => Agency Settings.  Next Click the USERS tab.

You will see a screen similar to the screenshot below. For easy identification of Locked out Users we display locked out users Last Name in Orange and we change their Welcome button to a Reset Button.


Unlock a User Account

    • Click the Reset User button to the far right of the user's row.


    • COPFTO unlocks the users account and sends them an email advising them their account has been unlocked.

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