Export Probationers Data

The Export Tab allows you to export the probationers entire Field Training Program into one zip file that you can store on your agencies storage systems for your agencies required records retention period.


Exporting your probationers program is a NECESSARY step in the field training documentation process. Exporting of the probationers program should be done when the probationer is done using COPFTO.  Depending on your agency's specific program, that could be when they are released from field training, or if your agency uses step 5 processes, that could be when your probationer is released from the probationary period. 

While we maintain everything for you as long as you maintain your subscription, you should always maintain a full copy of your probationers program on your own storage medium for the required records retention period. DO NOT rely on solely COPFTO.

For those in Illinois, the retention requirement for field training records is currently 40 years.

To Export a probationers data, select the probationer from the drop down select list and click the Export button.


You will receive an email when the export process completes.

At that time you should come back to this page and your export will be available for download from the Exports area at the top right.


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