Back End Agency Settings


If you have administrative privileges, you can access the Agency Settings Menu to perform administrative tasks within the software.


To access your Agency settings, click your name and then click the Agency Settings Menu item. You will be taken to the Agency settings page where you will find the Agency Settings main menu.


The Agency Settings main menu consists of the following tabs:

  • Agency Settings
  • Export
  • Groups
  • Logs
  • Workflow
  • Agency Settings
  • Password Rules
  • Patch
  • Ranks
  • Users

You manage the majority of settings for your specific group (Patrol, Dispatch, Community Service, etc) from the Groups Tab.


Click Groups, then click Manage [group name] which takes you to that Groups settings


The Groups menu consists of the following tabs:

  • Agency
  • Areas
  • Delete DORs
  • DOCS
  • DOR
  • DOR Codes
  • DOR Debrief
  • DOR Instructions
  • DOR Templates
  • Instructional Tools
  • Natures
  • Off Duty Restrictions
  • SEG's (DOR Categories)
  • Shifts
  • Steps
  • Supervisor Summary
  • Supervisor Summary DPA
  • Tactical Response / Role Play Options
  • Tactical Response / Role Plays
  • Training Tasks
  • Training Task Options
  • User
  • Weekly Summary
  • Weekly Summary Custom Sections
  • Weekly Summary Review Items
  • Weekly Summary Directed Patrol Items
  • Weekly Summary Directed Patrol Notes
  • Weekly Summary Tools Used Items

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