Training Task Options

YOUR NAME => AGENCY SETTINGS => GROUPS => MANAGE [group name] => Training Task Options

The Training Task Options tab allows an agency to modify the major settings for Training Tasks.


You agency's Training Task Options were configured by COPFTO Administrators when your agency was setup. Most agencies will not modify these settings.


To modify a option, make your changes and click the Update [group name] Training Task Settings button.

On the Training Task Options Tab you can manage the following settings:

    • Purpose Title - What agency calls the Purpose Section.
    • Reference Title - What agency calls the Reference Section.
    • Uniform Method of Execution Title - What agency calls the Uniform Method of Execution Section.
    • Show "TASK" at top of Training Tasks - Default is NO.  This option displays the word "TASK" at the upper right before the task number (This option was created to hide the word "Task" if it is part of the actual task number, e.g. "Task 01").
    • First half of Task Acknowledgement Phrase (Required) - The first half of the probationer acknowledgement sentence before the title of the task.
    • Second half of Task Acknowledgement Wording (Not Required) - The second half of the probationer acknowledgement sentence after task title.
    • Allow Training Tasks to be re-completed - Should the "Document Training Task Execution" section of the Training Task remain available once the task is Completed?

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