Tactical Response Role Play Options

YOUR NAME => AGENCY SETTINGS => GROUPS => MANAGE [group name] => Tactical Response Role Play Options

The Tactical Response Role Play Options tab allows an agency to modify the settings for the agency's Pre-determined Tactical Response Role Plays.


You agency's Tactical Response Role Play Settings were configured by COPFTO Administrators when your agency was setup. Most agencies will not modify these settings.

During setup, we pre-set the number of role plays needed on the dashboard Role Play gauge to 24 unless your agency advises otherwise.


To modify a setting, make your changes and click the Update [group name] Role Play Settings button.


On the Role Play Options Tab you can manage the following settings:

    • Number of Role Plays - Controls the max role play number for the role play gauge on the dashboard.
    • Dashboard Role Play Gauge - Show the role play gauge on the dashboard.
    • Tactical Response / Role Play Log Link - Show the Tactical Response / Role Play Log navigational menu link.
    • Tactical Response / Role Play Listing Link - Show the Tactical Response / Role Plays listing navigational menu link.

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