Training Tasks

YOUR NAME => AGENCY SETTINGS => GROUPS => MANAGE [group name] => Training Tasks

The Training Tasks tab allows an agency to modify the agency's Training Tasks.


We will have pre-loaded all your Training Tasks when your agency was setup, so most agencies will not have to modify their Training Tasks.

Historically Accurate Data:

Before you modify your tasks or docs, you need to know if your agency maintains historically accurate copies of tasks within copfto. The answer generally depends on whether you have exported your probationers data.

If you have exported every probationers data at the end of their program, then you are good to manage tasks without needing to save historically accurate copies within copfto.

If your agency has not exported probationers data, and/or you maintain historical copies of all tasks within copfto, then before you modify a task, the existing task should be inactivated and a new one created (duplicated) in its place. This assures that when you export your probationers FTO program at the end of the field training program, you export the actual Training Tasks that were used by that specific probationer and not a modified Training Task from a later date.Historically Accurate Data:


The Training Task Add/Modify form is made up of several parts.

  • Number - The number of the task, usually something like 01.

  • Associated Step - What step is this task associated with (if any)

  • Training Task Full Length Title - Task title where space is not constrained.

  • Training Task Shortened Title - Task title where space is constrained.

  • Purpose - Show or hide this section. 

  • Related Training Tasks - to connect this task with previously trained/certified tasks.

  • Reference - Show or hide this section. 

  • Uniform Method of Execution - Show or hide this section. 

  • Active / Inactive / Retired - Status of the Task.

Here is a screenshot of the entire Add/Edit Task form.


Add Task

To add a new Training Task, fill out the form and then click the "Add New Training Task" button at the bottom of the form.


Edit Task

To edit an existing Training Task, click the Number of the Training Task. The contents of the task will then load into the form.


Duplicate Task

To duplicate an existing task, for example, to use as the starting point for a new or updates task, click the orange duplicate task button at the far right of the tasks row.  A new duplicate and inactive task will be created.  To edit the newly duplicated task, locate the new inactive task at the end of the table of tasks and click the task number to begin editing the task.


Export Task

To export a copy of this task, click the blue export button at the far right of the tasks row.


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